Fatih Karlı

Group Head – Central Marketing & Operations Group, Banka Kombetare Tregtare of Albania
Mr. Karli, was graduated from Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Economics and Adm. Sciences, Department of International Relations on 2000 and Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Art and Science, Department of Mathematic on 1997. Mr. Karli has been also qualified by İstanbul University, Institute of Money, Financial Markets and Corporate Finance. Before joining BKT, Mr. Karli has been working in Retail Banking at T. GARANTI BANKASI A.S. from 2000 – 2012. During the period 2007 – 2012, Mr. Karli has been the Manager of Marketing and Campaign – Retail Banking.
Joerg Osterrieder

Joerg is Professor of Finance and Risk Modelling at the ZHAW School of Engineering in Switzerland and Associate Professor of Finance and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Twente in Netherlands. He is a member of the Dutch National Initiative Kickstart Artificial Intelligence and advisor to ING Group. He has been working in the area of financial statistics, quantitative finance, algorithmic trading, and digitisation of the finance industry for more than 15 years.
Joerg is the Action Chair of the European COST Action Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance, an interdisciplinary research network combining 200+ researchers and 38 European countries as well as five international partner countries. He is the director of studies for an executive education course on “Big Data Analytics, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger”, co-director of studies for “Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Finance” and has been the main organizer of an annual research conference series on Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Finance since 2016. He is a founding associate editor of Digital Finance, an editor of Frontiers Artificial Intelligence in Finance and a frequent reviewer for academic journals. In addition, he serves as an expert reviewer for the European Commission on the “Executive Agency for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises” and the “European Innovation Council Accelerator Pilot” programmes.
Previously he worked as an executive director at Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, as a quantitative analyst at AHL as well as a member of the senior management at Credit Suisse Group. Joerg is now also active at the intersection of academia and industry, focusing on the transfer of research results to the financial services sector in order to implement practical solutions.
Alessia Paccagnini

Alessia is a tenured academic at the University College Dublin School of Business, where she is the Academic Director of the Master in Quantitative Finance and Co-Chair of Women in STEM. She is a researcher in macroeconometrics, forecasting, monetary policy, and applied macroeconomics, and she has published more than 20 papers in top academic journals, such as Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, International Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Financial Stability, and Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. She is also a research associate at the CAMA and the co-organizer of the Applied Econometrics for Macroeconomics workshop. In her career, Alessia had several research and teaching positions at Bicocca University, EUI, ECB, UPenn, UPF, Bank of England, National Bank of Poland, IMT Lucca, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and Bocconi University, where she earned her Ph.D. She is the Scientific Communication Manager of the COST Action FinTech and AI and a member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Finance and Economics, Forecasting, and Digital Finance journals.
Rezarta Shkurti (Perri)

Rezarta is a full-time Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tirana. She graduated in 2000 in Finance and Accounting at the University of Tirana and in January 2004 completed her postgraduate studies. In 2008 she received the degree of Doctor of Science in Economics from the University of Tirana and in 2012 she received the academic title of Associate Professor. Her field of research includes Accounting Information Systems, Financial Analysis and Gender Budgeting. Rezarta Perri has numerous publications and contributions in national and international scientific conferences as well as through publications in internationally recognized scientific journals with impact factor such as WSEAS, JISOM, JOPAFL, CEA Journal of Economics, REJ and SBE. Since December 2011 she is a member of the Advisory Board of the Scientific Journal AFHRJ published by MODAV in Turkey and since 2020 she is a reviewer and member of the Scientific Committee for the Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, Horizon Publishing. She is a co-author of academic textbooks in Financial Statement Analysis and Management Accounting, as well as the author of a series of lectures in the subject of Information Systems in Accounting. In the framework of Erasmus + Programme, she has taught in several foreign Universities as University of Turin, Poitiers, Tuscia and also has participated in short term trainings and long term specializations at various institutions, such as University of Nebraska, London School of Economics, Staffordshire, Eberswalde. Over the years Rezarta Perri has contributed as a member of the Internal Audit Committee in the Ministry of Finance, expert for the Agency of Quality for Higher Education in Albania, external consultant for the Albanian Power Corporation and the National Regulatory Authority of Albania, member of Horizon 2020 and COST projects as well as through consultations in various Albanian companies and companies.
Claudia Tarantola

Claudia is Associate Professor of Statistics at the Department of Economics and Management of University of Pavia and holds the national scientific National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor in Statistics 13/D1 Statistics. She graduated in Political Economy from Bocconi University. She obtained her PhD in “Methodological Statistics” from the University of Trento, she defended a thesis on “ Bayesian Model Determination for Discrete Graphical Models”, supervisors Prof G. Consonni and P. Giudici. She spent part of her PhD program at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Bristol, where she worked under the supervision of Prof. P.J. Green. She was a post-doc at the Department of Statistics of Athens University of Economics and Business, supervisor Prof. P. Dellaportas.
She has taken part in various research programs, both national and international. In particular, she acted as a coordinator and principal investigator of the project “Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Extreme Value Risk Management in Energy Markets”, financed by ENEL S.P.A.
Her main research interests are: Bayesian clustering techniques, Bayesian Networks, Bayesian Statistics, Copula Modelling, Categorical Data Analysis, Data Science, Graphical Models, Marginal Models, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, Statistical Models for Financial Risks.
She has published scientific papers in well-known international journals such as: Bayesian Analysis, European Journal of Operational research, Expert Systems with application, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, Quantitative Finance.
She served as a referee for various scientific journal including Bayesian Analysis, Biometrika, European Journal of Operational Journal of the Royal Statistical Society series B, Journal of Statistical planning and Inference among others.
She is a member of the teaching staff of the PhD program in Applied Economics and Management.
She is member of the Management Committee for Italy for the Cost action CA19130 “Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance – Towards a transparent financial industry” (https://fin-ai.eu/). She is co-leader of the Diversity Team of the Cost action CA19130 (https://fin-ai.eu/diversity/) )
She is President of the Hermes University Network a strategic alliance of 27 leading education institutions in 17 countries.
Larisa Yarovaya

Larisa is a researcher in International Finance and Fintech, and she has published more than 50 papers in top academic journals, such as Journal of Corporate Finance; Journal of Financial Stability; Energy Economics; International Review of Financial Analysis, and European Journal of Finance, among others, and became one of the most cited female authors in the Fintech and cryptocurrency research area. She also co-edited a book “Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology” and organises the annual Cryptocurrency Research Conference. Larisa’s research has been featured in BBC, Metro UK, Yahoo Finance, Newsweek, Daily Express, Business Essex, Cosmopolitan and elsewhere.”