The role of the Grant Awarding Coordinator (GAC) is to manage the awarding of all types of grants found under the name of Networking tools, namely Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs), ITC Conference Grants, Virtual Mobility Grants (VMGs) and Dissemination Conferences (DC). The main goal of these grants is to support mobility of researchers involved in research activities related to the goals and objectives of this Action.
The GAC acts on behalf of the Action Management Committee in approving/ rejecting the grant applications, but only after the final decision of the specific evaluation committee for each grant type. A clear set of rules and evaluation criteria will be set for all grant types. These rules have to be in line with both the COST rules and regulations (for example, in respect to diversity) and with the main goals and objectives of CA19130. Any application that does not match the CA19130 interests will be automatically rejected. Consequently, the main objective of the GAC is to approve only those mobility applications complying with the goals and objectives of CA19130, both the general ones for the entire financing period and the specific ones related to each Grant Period.

Codruța MARE is a Professor at the Dep. of Statistics-Forecasts-Mathematics since October 2021 and PhD coordinator in the field of Cybernetics and Statistics since October 2019 at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She started her university career in 2009, when she became a Teaching Assistant in the same department. She got her PhD in 2010 from the Trieste University, Italy, in the field of Economics. In January 2019 she founded the Interdisciplinary Centre for Data Science, along with other teachers and researchers of the Babes-Bolyai University interested in Econometrics and Data Science. She is the Scientific Director of this research center. She teaches several types of Statistics and Econometrics methods, from Descriptive Statistics to Economic Forecasting and Spatial Econometrics. She has expertise in consultancy and research projects conducted both for public institutions (The World Bank, European Commission, Romanian Ministry of Structural Funds, Cluj-Napoca City Hall, etc.) and for private companies, along with delivering trainings both in data analysis and visualization, in Romania and abroad. She is a member of the Spatial Econometrics Association and of the Romanian Statisticians Club.
In respect to CA19130, she is currently involved in several research projects dealing either with financial issues and financial criminality in a cybernetic world, or with financial and insurance literacy and development. Results of her research were published in books and articles in prestigious international journals.
She has been the STSM coordinator of CA19130 since the beginning of this Action, in 2020.
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