The fourth edition of the Women in Fintech and AI event organized by the diversity team will take place soon. This event aims to bring together practitioners, academics, and policymakers to raise awareness about diversity in Fintech and AI. Keynote speakers and research presentations are expected.
Special focus will be given to the topic of transparency in financial services, products, and technologies, as well as statistical methods involved in Fintech to improve financial inclusion and promote organic development across Europe.
The event will foster discussions and the production of papers/research specifically targeted at achieving the goals of the COST action and finalizing missing deliverables.
Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of the speakers and audience, the event aims to transfer knowledge in terms of expertise, scientific tools, and human resources across different disciplines. Additionally, involvement of industry and policymakers will facilitate knowledge transfer between academia and industry.
Past editions have seen strong participation by members of the action as well as new members, for whom this event has become an opportunity to meet the FinAI Action and join the network.
Additionally, there will be a call for papers and special sessions dedicated to missing deliverables. A session will also be planned for writing reports useful for the Action. The event will contribute to the following GP4 goals:
- Goal 9: Submitted papers could be included in the edited volume.
- Goal 7: Write methodological discussion papers on AI models to generate "failed trials" of investment product producers and on quantitative strategies with the usage of the promising field of network data analysis.
Conference Topics
This year, the Women in Fintech and AI IV Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Transparency in Fintech
- Transparent versus Black Box Decision-Support Models in the Financial Industry
- Transparency in Investment Product Performance for Clients
- Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance
- Gender balance in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence
- Diversity issues in Fintech and financial education
- Financial literacy and education
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original research papers, case studies, and position papers addressing the workshop's themes. Full papers or extended abstracts (at least 1000 words) only are accepted for submission. Submitted papers and abstracts will be subjected to a selection process by the Scientific Committee. Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop, allowing in-depth discussions and networking.
Submission Procedure
A pdf file should be submitted to womeninfintech.cost@gmail.com according to the guidelines below:
- Title
- Authors, with corresponding author’s contact details
- Keywords
- Paper (preferred) or extended abstract (min 1000 words)
- References
- Speaker biography (up to 300 words)
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: May 10, 2024
- Workshop Date: 27-28 June 2024
Conferences Programs
Zoom link: https://shorturl.at/ZXBte
Day 1 - 27 June 2024
10:30 - 11:00 Registration
11:00 - 12:00 Core Group Meeting [FinAI Cost members only] - Room Δ7
12:00 - 13:00 Welcome remarks
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch break [at your own expense]
14:30 - 15:15 Keynote speech - Building Foundations: Financial Literacy for Future Minds in Preschool, Maria Ampartzaki (University of Crete, Greece) - Room Δ7
15:15 - 17:30 Scientific programme
16:00 - 16:15 Coffee break
Parallel Session A - Room Δ7: Special session on Fintech transparency and Fintech literacy - "Breaking down barriers to financial literacy"
Chair: Michalis Linardakis (University of Crete)
Financial Literacy, Cash Holdings and Digital Finance
Esra Kabaklarlı (Selcuk University)
Impact of Financial Literacy Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), Saving and Borrowing Factors on Digital Experiences: A Multi-Country Survey Study Among the Elderly People
Belma Ozturkkal (Kadir Has University), Maria Iannario (University of Naples Federico II), Claudia Tarantola (University of Pavia), Alessandra Tanda (University of Pavia), Rezarta Perri (University of Tirana) and Esra Kabaklarlı (Selcuk University)
Adapting to Digital Payments: Insights from Albania's Evolving Landscape
Rezarta Shkurti Perri and Juna Dafa (University of Tirana)
The Efficiency of Digital Nudging via Robo-Advisors in Personal Investment Decisions
Cyril Laššu and Jana Péliová (University of Economics in Bratislava)
XAI for improved financial decision-making
Angus Gatus (York St John University), Galena Pisoni (York St John University and Université Côte d'Azur), Rita Pimentel (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Parallel Session B - Room Γ2
Chair: Sabrina Giordano (Università della Calabria)
AI and Generative AI Based Transfer Pricing Tax Transparency
Pinar Nur (Medipol University) and Gokce Nur Yilmaz (TED University)
Assessing Efficiency of Sustainable Performance in the Manufacturing Sector
Kristina Sutiene (Kaunas University of Technology), Clara B. Vaz (Polytechnic Institute of Braganca) and Raminta Vaitiekuniene (Kaunas University of Technology)
A network analysis of cryptocurrency returns
Barbara Będowska-Sójka (PUEB) and Sabrina Giordano (Università della Calabria)
Revolutionizing Enterprise Resource Planning: A Transformation Journey in the Albanian Telecommunication Industry
Klejda Caushi (Catholic University Our Lady of Good Councel), Malvina Halilaj (Tirana University), Eralda Caushi (Canadian Institute of Technology) and Erisa Bekteshi (Tirana University)
Open innovation in banking: where do we stand?
Alberto Francesconi and Alessandra Tanda (University of Pavia)
17:30 - 17:45 Closing remarks day 1 and networking - Room Δ7
Day 2 - 28 June 2024
09:00 - 10:30 Parallel WG1, WG2 and WG3 meetings
WG1 Meeting - Room Δ7
Chair: Olivija Filipovska
09:00 - 09:20 Leveraging AI Tools for fraud prevention in crowdfunding
Stefana Belbe (Babes-Bolyai University and CISD BBU)
09:20 - 09:40 The Color of Change - Employee Perception of Transformation
Hanna Kristin Skaftadóttir (Bifrost University)
09:40 - 10:00 Socio-Cultural Factors and Fintech Adoption
Olivija Filipovska (Komercijalna Banka)
10:00 - 10:20 Unfair Terms in Banking and Financial Contracts
Armela Baka (University of Tirana)
WG2 Meeting - Room Γ2
Chair: Codruta Mare
09:00 - 09:20 Narrative Digital Finance
Joerg Osterrieder (BFH, University of Twente)
09:20 - 09:40 From fair predictions to just decisions: The case for credit approvals
Enis Kayis (Ozyegin University)
09:40 - 10:00 Data Classifications using Clifford Algebra Subspaces
Mutlu Akar (Yildiz Technical University)
10:00- 10:20 The Digital Transformation in Finance: Exploring Perceptions and Concerns Regarding Central Bank Digital Currencies
Liana Stanca (BBU Cluj)
WG3 Meeting - Room AK (Aithousa Kallitechnikon)
Chair: Nikos Thomaidis
09:00 - 09:20 Gender diversity of FinTech companies leadership– choice or necessity? An Evidence from Cruchbase
Anastas Dzurovski (University St.Kliment Ohridski Bitola)
09:20 - 09:40 Unlocking the power of the financial transparency
Karolina Bolesta (Warsaw School of Economics)
09:40 -10:00 The path to green financing in the Western Balkans: challenges and barriers
Albulena Shala (University of Prishtina) and Vlora Berisha (University of Peja)
10:00 - 10:20 New models for trading renewable energy
Nikos Thomaidis (University of the Aegean)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break - outside amphitheater Δ7
11:00 - 12:30 Parallel Working session
Room Δ7
WS1: D12 – Methodological discussion papers on AI models to generate “failed trials” of investment product producers and on quantitative strategies with the usage of the promising field of network data analysis
Ref: Karolina Bolesta & Ioana-Florina Coita
Speaker: Olivija Filipovska
WS3: D16 – Science Communication Plan
Ref: Ioana-Florina Coita
Room Γ2
WS2: D15 – An edited volume containing scientific achievements of the Action
Ref: Anastas Dzurovski
WS4: D13 – Four annual reports (for lay audience) distributed via local and national media
Ref: Alessandra Tanda
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break [at your own expense]
13:30 - 15:30 Scientific programme - Room Δ7
Session C: Machine learning for Fintech and AI
Chair: Petros Dellaportas
13:30 - 14:00 Reservoir computing for macroeconomic forecasting with mixed-frequency data
Petros Dellaportas (UCL and Athens University of Economics and Business)
14:00 - 14:20 Advancing Markowitz: Asset Allocation Forest
Luis Ormonde Bettencourt (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Alla Petukhina (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin), and Anastasija Tetereva (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tinbergen Institute)
14:20 - 14:40 A fair sample selection methodology: Auditing ML models in the FinTech industry
Pavlos Vourvachakis (Technical University of Crete)
14:40 - 15:00 Synthetic Financial Data with Probabilistic Forecasting: A Generative Adversarial Network Approach
Mohammed Alruqimi, Luca Di Persio (University of Verona)
15:00 - 15:20 Exploring Methodologies: AI Models for Generating 'Failed Trials' of Investment Product Producers and Quantitative Strategies Utilizing Network Data Analysis
Özgür Yildrim (Yildiz Technical University)
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee break - outside amphitheater Δ7
15:45 - 17:45 Best WI-FI 2024 presentations, award and closing remarks - Room Δ7
Chair: Maria Iannario
15:45 - 16:05 Adam Christos “Segmenting female students’ perceptions about Fintech using Explainable AI”
16:05 - 16:25 Marie Dupont “Blockchain and the Future of Secure Financial Transactions”
16:25 - 16:45 Ibrahim Al-Masri “Using AI to Predict Market Trends: A Comparative Study”
16:45 - 17:05 Elena Petrova “Fintech Innovations and Financial Inclusion: A Global Perspective”
17:05 - 17:25 David Kim “Algorithmic Trading in High-Frequency Markets: Challenges and Solutions”
17:25 - 17:45 Award Ceremony and Closing Remarks
Organizing Committee
Petros Dellaportas (UK/GR), Sofia Giantsidi (IT), Maria Iannario (IT), Michalis Linardakis (GR), Codruta Mare (RO), Claudia Tarantola (IT), Alessia Paccagnini (IE), Eleftheria Paschalidou (GR), Rezarta Perri (AL), Albulena Shala (KX), Liana Stanca (RO), Alessandra Tanda (IT)
Scientific Committee
Mutlu Akar (TR), Barbara Będowska-Sójka (PL), Stefana Belbe (RO), Levent Çarkacıoğlu (TR), Ioana-Florina Coita (RO), Petros Dellaportas (UK/GR), Dajana Ercegovac (RS), Sofia Giantsidi (IT), Sabrina Giordano (IT), Maria Iannario (IT), Michalis Linardakis (GR), Codruta Mare (RO), Maria Moloney (IE), Mirela Momčilović (RS), Alexios - Ioannis Moukas (GR), Belma Ozturkkal (TR), Alessia Paccagnini (IE), Eleftheria Paschalidou (GR), Jana Peliova (SK), Galena Pisoni (FR), Rezarta Perri (AL), Albulena Shala (KX), Catarina Silva (PT), Alessandra Tanda (IT), Claudia Tarantola (IT), Nikos Thomaidis (GR)
Location of Conferences
The workshop is organised by the University of Crete in Rethymno (Greece) with the support of COST Action CA 19130 – Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance
For any queries, please email womeninfintech.cost@gmail.com