Codruta Mare

Codruța MARE is a Prof. of Statistics and Econometrics at the Dep. of Statistics-Forecasts-Mathematics and PhD coordinator in the field of Cybernetics and Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and the Scientific Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Data Science, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She teaches several types of Statistics and Econometrics methods, from Descriptive Statistics to Economic Forecasting and Spatial Econometrics. She has expertise in consultancy and research projects conducted both for public institutions (The World Bank, European Commission, Romanian Ministry of Structural Funds, Cluj-Napoca City Hall, etc.) and for private companies, along with delivering trainings both in data analysis and visualization, in Romania and abroad. Results of her research were published in books and articles in prestigious international journals. She is currently the Grant Award Coordinator of the COST ACTION CA19130 “FinAI – Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance”.