[Other] Royalton Partners Relaunches Royalton CRIX Crypto Index

An index designed to capture fast growing asset class of cryptocurrencies

Royalton CRIX is calculated by S&P Dow Jones Indices since December 2021, powered by Lukka’s institutional data, and administered by Royalton Partners AG. COST member Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Professor of Statistics at Humboldt University of Berlin, led the research team that developed the index.

Royalton CRIX aims to provide a representative market index of investable cryptocurrencies. The minimum index constituent number is set at 5, and historical back testing from 2016 to 2021 resulted in a maximum of 15 constituents. Royalton CRIX is designed to closely represent the return characteristics of the total market index which is defined as all cryptocurrencies compiled by Lukka Prime, filtered for minimum liquidity while excluding stablecoins, derivative-related coins and asset-security coins. Lukka Prime provides the world’s first and only crypto pricing data that uses a Fair Market Value (FMV)-focused methodology for valuing crypto assets.

Royalton CRIX has been referenced by the European Central Bank in its Economic Bulletin, Issue 5/2019.

Royalton Partners AG acquired the intellectual property of the index from Humboldt- Innovation GmbH, an affiliate of the Humboldt University of Berlin, in February 2021. Since the acquisition, Royalton cooperated with Professor Härdle’s team to stabilize the index constituents over time using Lukka Prime to define a universe of investable cryptocurrencies. Lukka Prime’s cryptocurrency pricing database is also the source used for
the S&P Dow Jones Indices daily index calculation.

Professor Härdle said, “We constructed this index to provide market participants with a reliable measure to capture the rapidly expanding universe of investable cryptocurrencies.”

Royalton CRIX can be found at www.royalton-crix.com and www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/custom-indices/royalton-partners-ag-rpag/royalton-crix-crypto-index, and on Bloomberg with CRIX Index .